这是一套潜意识自我训练的教材,运用目前全世界唯一获得专利认证的心理学科技,“全腦内在交谈”,也就是收录一组自我激励的语言,透过变频的方式,转换成与脑 波共振的神经语言,再和3D环绕音乐去做压缩,混音处理,让语言在耳朵听不见的情况下,进入潜意识,只须经过连续重复的聆听,就可以同时达到“开发大脑潜 能,双脑同步学习”,”调整个性,稳定情绪”,还有”建立积极思考,强化自信心”的三大结果。 尤其现在有很多大人,小孩,普遍都有学习障碍,记忆力差,理解力弱,缺乏创造力,还有很多人因为压力太大,造成紧张,失眠,脾气暴躁,甚至忧郁症,更严重 的是有些年轻人因为缺乏好的人格教育,受到太多否定管教,导致丧失自信心,没有责任感,想法负面,偏激,往往造成不可弥补的后果。 “全腦内在交谈”针对这些状况,经过26余年来无数个案的实际经验,已经证实它都有相当强的改善作用,许多朋友都是在使用了许多其他方法都没有改善,而在使用了“全腦内在交谈”以后,几乎所有的困扰都解除了。

 Whole Brain(全脑开发)


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CDCO-01 我是天才

CDCO-02 成功與富裕

CDCO-03 理想的體重

CDCO-04 釋放壓力

CDCO-05 克服沮喪

CDCO-06 立即行動

CDCO-07 完全的睡眠

CDCO-08 旺盛的自癒力

CDCO-09 永遠年輕

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CDCO-36 寬恕與和諧





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CD231 Opening Up to a Higher Power


The spirit, mind and body are inseparable. Address any difficulty on all levels and insure a successful and permanent change. The 12 step program identifies e-g-o as "edging God out.".

Sample thought modification messages in this product:

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CD158 Awakening & Using the Force


Awakening: Buddha descended from a mountain and found a man on his knees before him . . . who said, "surely thou are God." To which Buddha replied, "I am not God. I am not a demi-God. I am only awake." "I open up. I trust my impressions. My hearing expands. My sight expands. I see interdimensionally," etc. Using the Force: Is there an unseen energy that can be tapped into, giving rise to a perception of a deeper level of reality and a power to manipulate certain aspects of ordinary reality? Mystics have long said so. Explore the possibilities with this program. "I have the power and the ability. I feel life. I am one with the force. I see the force. Life and light are one," etc."

Sample thought modification messages in this product:

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CD310 I Am Lucky


Why do some people appear to have all the lucky breaks and others get none. Harness the power of your mind and join those in the "lucky" group.

Sample thought modification messages in this product:

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CD331 Adult ADHD

(ADHD -- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) -- This program was evaluated in a double blind study and found to have beneficial results. The data from the study suggests that cognitive therapy through InnerTalk persuasion reduces ADHD symptomology while enhancing learning and relationship experiences.

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CD180 I Can: Building a Child's Esteem


Have you ever wondered what a person could do if they were raised to believe that they could become the next genius, the next great painter, the next Nobel Prize winner, and so forth. Giving children the self belief that arms them with such confidence is what this program is designed to do.

Sample thought modification messages in this product:

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CD210 Joy of Schoo


It is but an acquired belief system that interferes with the joy of school and learning. Eliminate the peer pressure that leads to thinking "school is a drag." Reverse those negative beliefs and avoid drop out. Education is too important to survival in today's world.

Sample thought modification messages in this product:

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